Caddy Catch

A game for the casual setting to earn points if you have good hand eye coordination.

Gather Round

Get your group together to play!

Expand and Load

A player expands the Caddy and loads the ball in the small hole.

Pop'n Watch

Point the ball up and slap the bottom hole to shoot the ball up high.

Catch the Ball

While the ball is in the air, flip the Caddy over and try to catch the ball in the Caddy.

A catch is worth 1 point.

Total Your Points

If you successfully catch the ball, count the number of ribs you collapsed when slapping it.

The number of ribs collapsed is the number of points you get.

If you miss the catch, subtract from your score.

Pass It Around

Pass the Caddy around and keep playing. First person to 11 points wins!

More Details

Ages 21+

  • Pass out a drink for each rib you collapsed on a successful pop and catch.
  • If you miss a catch, you must take one drink.

Drink and play responsibly.

What games will you come up with?